
Buchungs-Hotline: 02941 948900

Find and book private rooms in Rheda-Wiedenbrück

Are you looking for a cheap short-term accommodation in Rheda-Wiedenbrück and environment, preferably in rooms for rent?
Looking for an accommodation for a longer stay in the area of Rheda-Wiedenbrück, but a hotel is too impersonal?
Do you want to visit your family in Rheda-Wiedenbrück and do not know where you can low proced book?
Are you going to stay in Rheda-Wiedenbrück and the hotel offer is too expensive for you?
You complete an internship in Rheda-Wiedenbrück and you need a cheap accommodation in the vicinity of your employer?
Do you start to study at the University of Rheda-Wiedenbrück and looking for private lodging or a flat shared?
Then we are the correct address for you. We find for you private lodging and accomodation in shared rooms in Rheda-Wiedenbrück and the surrounding area!

Benefits for the guest:

The service is free
Benefit from our market knowledge - we know all the hirers and offers personally - and save time in finding accommodation.
Private lodging and shared rooms are cheap - we know all the prices on location and often achieve more favorable prices than for direct bookings.
Often no deposit or cancellation fee is levied by the host.
For many hosts, we have negotiated free services.

Benefits for the host of private lodging and shared rooms:

No fixed costs by deciding to be included in our data base.
You decide if and when you will want to host a guest in your room for rent or for share.
You decide for each booking individually about the price and the booking conditions.
Benefit from our close contacts to local farms with accommodation needs.
Our service is completely free for the guest.
If the mediation of a guest is successful, the host has to pay a commission on the accommodation service, which should not be added to the rental price.

Your booking hotline: 02941 948900
